Saga der Meinweg
2024 - ungoing
With 'Saga der Meinweg' Ingeborg Steenhorst tells both a visual and written story about elfs and nature spirits guarding the fragile nature of National Park 'De Meinweg' in North Limburg, the Netherlands.
The photo series was created by the artist in 2024 as her 'photographic design' graduation project. The costum design and styling are also done by Ingeborg herself. In addition to the photo series, the artist is now working with muse, model and singer Rafke Hotterbeekx on a musical theater performance of the story, which should come to life in 2025.
"Hidden among the greenery of the beautiful Meinweg National park, two elven sisters life side by side. Their names are 'Aria' and 'Lumi'. For many centuries, their relationship with nature is one of mutual respect and harmony. However threatening events have awakened the nature spirits. This is the saga of the Meinweg fire..."
"Elves, by their very essence, are creatures of nature, born from the mystical energy that flows through the earth. Ari and Lumi embody this connection with every step they take. They do not control the natural world but rather listen to it, responding to its needs as one would to a cherished friend. This ancient bond, passed down through generations of elves, gives them a unique ability to heal the land, make flowers bloom more beautifully, and bring balance to the wilderness around them. In return, mother nature nurtures and protects them, surrounding the sisters in an endless cycle of growth and renewal."
"The elven sisters understand that nature is not just something to be cared for but is part of who they are, an inseparable force that sustains and guides them. They can sense the whispers of the wind, hear the silent cries of a withering flower long before it fades and feel the pulse of life in the trees."
"The 'Elfenmeer', or elf lake, lays hidden deep within the Meinweg landscape. Every day at dawn, the elven sisters come here to hold a ceremony to honor nature. While Aria sings the most enchanting chants, Lumi scatters flower petals and seeds around."

"As guardians of all that blooms, their bond with nature runs deep, like ancient roots intertwined with the soil itself."

"One day in the year 2020, while wandering past fallen trees after 4 days of intense forest fire, it happend that Aria and Lumi found Driad-Nymph of the Trees. The nymph, hiding in a tangle of branches, sang to them. "
"Driade.. . I am
For trees, their solemn guardian
In shadows deep, where roots run far
I dwell and weave my forest’s charm
Yet fires roar,a fearsome bane
They seek to scorch
my verdant plain
My heart aches
with each burning branch
Oh humans, elves and spirits sisters
I call to thee,
to join hands with me
Protect the woods
where green things grow
Together strong we can quench the flames
We can heal the soil
Oh people, elves and spirit sisters
I call to thee,
For only if we are woven in unity
the natural world
will survive and thrive"
"With sadness in their eyes the elven sisters watched Driade wheeping about the trees she lost due to the forest fire ...for Aria and Lumi knew, that when her burned trees die ...Dryade, would die with them."
"The sisters continued their walk heading towards the grass and heathland area of ​​the Meinweg. As if by magic, this area was spared from the fires. Here 'Auloniade', the nymph of the valleys appeared before them. With a worried expression on her face the wind nymph began to sing."
"Auloniade ...I am
Guardian of grasslands
Where wild lives roam
In a cloak of shadows
Dancing in twilight ray’s
Whispering 'hush now'
To the frightened deer
Folow my footsteps
Through fields of gold
Seeking a sacred path
Where the wild things thrive
Let me lead you
Far, far away
...from fire and wind's
harmful play"
"Aria and Lumi wandered further in to the Meinweg. On top of its unique hilly landscape, the Elven Sisters met wind nymph 'Aurae'. This nymph was playing with the sky landscape, and the sisters felt she could bring both cold and warmth. The wind nymph took a mirror in which a burning Meinweg became visible and she started to sing."
"Aurae ...I am
Both friend and foe
Light and sweet as a gentle breeze
Fierce and wild as a tempest’s breath of fire'
In summer’s scorching heat
I feel fire’s flame while she rushes by
… dreading to kindle a spark
While among frail and thirsty trees
among dried up weakened nature
Voices whisper...
Driade, my spirit sister, she cries in vain:
Spare the forests, spare the trees
Don’t burn them to ashes
Don't let my old oaks die
Auloniade, my spirit sister, she cries in vain:
Spare the grasslands and the heather
Spare all my creatures dear
Yet I am Aurae!
Friend and foe
Light and sweet as a gentle breeze
Fierce and wild
As a tempest’s breath of fire"
"After their meeting with Aurea, the elven sisters continued their walk through the Meinweg landscape. They noticed the wind turned more warm after leaving Aurae behind...they smelled a burning fire. Suddenly they found a small path that they had not seen before. Curious as elves are, Aria and Lumi decided to follow the path that led them deeper into the swampy forest of the Meinweg."
"In this swampy forest the elven sisters came face to face with a beautiful fire nymph. The nymph held a fire in one hand and raised the other in warning. With a fearsome voice the fire nymph sang to them."
"I Fire
the story of fate and the flame
I scorch the earth In a crimson tide
I leave my name
with a blazing kiss
I burn the old
to ashes and dust
The cycle turns
In the heart of my dancing ember
The touch of destruction
a fierce romance
Within my glow
both life and death rise
A whispered promise
In heat and sighs
In charcoal black, where I've been
seeds will find fertile soil..."
"Frightened by the fire nymp's song, Aria and Lumi rushed out of the swampy forest. The thought of their beloved Meinweg landscape burning to ashes filled their hearts with fear. Years of drought due to climate change and undermining of ecosystem, due to (negative) human behavior, had made the landscape exhausted and vulnerable.
The Elven Sisters wandered further, carefully observing if they could see the words of the nymps in their realm. Aria and Lumi wondered what they could do to help nature- to this place with its unique plants, fairytale like trees, and so many different animals, is so dear to them."
"When they reached the Rolvennen, Aria and Lumi heard another voice calling. This time the voice came from the cold water where a water nymph rose from the swamp. With hands folded in prayer, the nymp began to sing."

"Naiade.. .I am
A sacred source
Essence of life's purest course
In hours of need
When fire and wind
Unleash their raging force
You come to me
Calm and deep
You dive in to me
For I will be your refuge
I am water,
the healing moist
Essence of life's purest course"

"The water nymph called upon Aria and Lumi. “Reach out to the humans,” the nymph pleated. "Let them fall in love with nature again. Let them enjoy our beautiful Meinweg intensely. Only so we can face the threats of climate change and destruction of our unique trees, plants and animals. “We will,” the elf sisters vowed and hand in hand they sang."

"Elves and Nymphs
Nature’s guardians
They protect the forests and meadows wide
They guard the grasslands
Side by side
With voices strong and hands so sure
Their touch is light
Their hearts are pure
From raging fires that seek to harm
They shield the trees and fields with charm
Elves and Nymphs
Together they rise
To stand and fight
For trees, and plants and creatures dear
For in their hands they’ll know no fear"

"And so it was that from this day on, the elven sisters wander the paths, while Aria's songs mingle with the wind and Lumi's touch brings the earth to life. Their appearance calls us to protect the beauty and harmony of nature, to care for what lives, grows and blooms, so that the Meinweg will not lose its enchanting power. If you like to see the elves and nymphs appear during your walks through the Meinweg, you have to open up to the magic of nature. Walk with attention and respect, become silent and hear the sounds of the forest, smell the scents of flowers and feel the wind rustling through the trees.
Because whoever travels through this landscape with a pure heart, full of wonder and without haste, has a chance to cross paths with the elves and nymphs. You can catch them as glimpses of light between the trees, as fluttering butterflies or the melody of rustling leaves playing along with the wind."
Photography, storyline, poems & costume design:
Ingeborg Steenhorst
Rafke Hotterbeekx
Kim Hotterbeekx
Make up:
Rafke Hotterbeekx
On set assistent:
Diana Dijkers van Muilekom
Costume assistents:
Marouscha vd Steen,
Fiona Brandenburg de Werd,
Esmee Huijskens
Robin Lenting
About the Meinweg NP
The Meinweg national park is located in Central Limburg (NL), right next to the German border. It is a terraced landscape unique to the Netherlands with steep transitions and therefore certainly not flat. On the edge of the national park lays a large lake called 'Elfenmeer' (in English you say 'Elven Lake'). An enchantingly beautiful lake, created by peat extraction that is surrounded by fairytale forests and sweet-scented bushy Myrica gale (in Dutch; wilde Gagel). In spring the lake is dotted with blooming water lilies. Here spirits of nature make themselves heard with soft croaking, chirping and whistling. The Elfenmeer lake together with the fairytale-like forests, meadows and heathlands make this national park a true place of wonder.
The artist's view
"The idea for the staged storytelling 'Saga der Meinweg' photo series arose in 2023 when I, during a hike in national park Meinweg, learned of the intense forest fires that have threatened the park during the year 2020. During these major fires, which lasted for four days, around 200 hectares of valuable forests and heathlands were severely damaged and partly lost. On my hike through the park, I passed by many blackened dead trees silent witnesses along the path.
In search of a photo project to graduate on, I questioned myself; could a staged storytelling photo series help to raise awareness that we need to treat the beautifull nature in the Netherlands more carefully?? I envisioned a saga story about two elven sisters who life at the Elfenmeer. Together with the nature spirits of the park, they appear to us for the consequences of disbalance in nature's eco systems caused by both climate change and the dangers of negative human behaviour.
I started to write a self-invented saga story with poems to give voice to all characters, searched for the best locations in the park to create the different scenes and selected suiting pieces from my self designed costume collection. With help of Limburg born sisters Rafke and Kim Hotterbeekx, I was able to bring all elements to life ...and so the Saga was born.
The complete photo series was shot divided over three days between March and April 2024. June 2024, I graduated on the series for the 'Photographic Design' course at Beeldcentrum Fotovakopleiding. A first exhibition of the photo series was held during July '24 at the Ketjapfabriek in the city Vught, the Netherlands. "
Saga der Meinweg Exhibition
'Sage der Meinweg' on view at De Ketjapfabriek, Vught, the Netherlands, from June 23rd till July 28th, 2024.
Saga der Meinweg photobook & musical theatre play
In addition to the photo series, Ingeborg is now working on a 'Saga der Meinweg' photo book and musical theatre play.
The photobook will showcase the 'Saga der Meinweg' story and poems written by the artist illustrated with the complete photo series in beautiful large format. The book will also contain a fine selection of Ingeborgs most beautiful nature and landscape photos of the Meinweg national park as well as behind the scenes imagery and costume design gallery. The musical theater piece will contain both singing and spoken word accompanied by soundscape-like pagan music.
Like to help the artist by funding or sponsoring the book and musical theatre play?
Interested in purchasing 'Saga der Meinweg' fine art prints?
Like to host the 'Saga der Meinweg' exhibition at your location?
Like to discuss something else?
Photo series, storyline and poems 'Sage der Meinweg' © Ingeborg Steenhorst 2024